Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Baby Update

I went to the dr this morning. They took a sample for another one of those tests that should say if I will not have the baby within 2 weeks. I asked a few more questions about it, and basically a negative result means that there is a 98% chance I will make it at least 2 more weeks. A positive result however is basically inconclusive and doesn't necessarily mean I will have the baby within 2 weeks. They don't expect the results back for a couple of days.

I am still having contractions and she wants to move up one of my doses of the anti-contraction medicine because I seem to have the most late afternoon and early evening. We'll see if taking the medicine a little earlier helps curb those. I have also progressed a little bit more and am now at 3 cm instead of 2. She doesn't seem that worried, and says we've done what we can at this point and are just going to have to wait it out to see what happens next. Hopefully we'll be waiting at least 2 more weeks!

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