Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Braenna is One Month Old

Braenna turned a whole one month old yesterday! It is hard to believe and it has really flown by. We feel like she was just born! Yesterday was also her 40 week mark and her official due date. It's amazing how alert she has become as that big day got closer. Braenna is now up to a whole 7 lbs 7 oz. She has gained over a pound since she was born...and they were worried she wasn't eating enough!! She is doing very well and now loves to watch things, mainly people. She loves to be talked to and just loves to be held! Here are some pictures that I took today:


Teresa and Kory said...

Wow her hair looks like it's really lightened up! Good job on gaining 1 lb already. You go girl!!!

The Scharlau's said...

What a little sweetpea!!