Saturday, July 19, 2008

Braenna at Six Weeks

I decided to have a little photo shoot with our new little angel today since she is six weeks old. She is growing like a weed and trying to catch up to her big sis as fast as she can! She is about 8.5 pounds now and has put on over 2 pounds since she was born. She has gotten a lot longer too...we haven't measured, but you can just tell. She is still a little peanut though and still wearing mostly newborn clothes. The 0-3 month clothes are getting closer to fitting, but she still is swimming in most of it. We also had her first smiles early this week. I have not been able to catch an actual smile on camera yet, but I will keep working on it. She's still learning, so she's not smiling a lot yet, but every once in awhile we get a good one out of her. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Teresa and Kory said...

Wow, she is really filling out and looks adorable. Can't wait to meet Braenna in September.