Sunday, June 2, 2013


Okay, so I did not follow through on the promise in my last blog...but things have been sooooo busy!!

Here's a quick synopsis of each month!

March: Kalahari water park weekend, St Patty's Day, concert at Mikaiya's school, the Schwendeman's visit, Spring Break, Easter celebration with the fam and Easter!  Here are the pictures:

April: Mikaiya's 7th birthday and first sleep over party, Audrey's baptism, Nana and Pop visit, and Cori and Jeff leave for Mexico. Here are April pictures:

May: Cori and Jeff return from Mexico, Nana and Pop depart, our 10 year anniversary, Mother's Day, Daisy's bridging to Brownie's ceremony, and a trip to Hayward.  Here are May pictures:

I won't promise I will be better in the next 3 months since it is summer and we all know how that goes!  Enjoy, and I will try to be back sooner than later!!

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