Sunday, January 29, 2012

In Memory of Bella...

This new year brought with it some heartache for our family. We found out on December 27 that our 11 year old kitty Bella had liver cancer. She was still doing well at the time, but had lost quite a bit of weight. Within a matter of days, she took a turn for the worst and went down hill very fast. After trying several different things, we had to send her back home on January 3. She was telling us it was time, and no matter how hard it was to do, we know we did what was right for her. She spent her last night here with us snuggled up in our bed under the covers sleeping between of her favorite things to do was to sleep under the covers. Jeff and I were both there with her when the time came to send her back. It was quiet and peaceful and she was wrapped in her very favorite blanket with her two favorite people snuggling her and talking to her. She will be very missed. There are so many fond memories of her. She went from being a ferral kitten who was absolutely terrified of humans to spending the better part of her days with us. She slept on my pillow at night and sat on her daddy's lap during the work day. She was such a part of our family. We will miss her!!

Rest in peace Bella. You will always hold a special place in our hearts!!

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