Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009 was great to our family! The month of December was a flurry of Christmas activity with Christmas parties, tree lightings and a visit from Nana and Pop. We were lucky enough to have Nana and Pop visit in mid-December to celebrate Christmas with us early this year. The girls had a great time with them and we had a fun Christmas celebration!

We opened presents from our families and each other on Christmas Eve morning. Mikaiya loved "helping" Braenna to open hers! Braenna really got into it after awhile and we couldn't stop her from opening every present she could get her hands on!

We had our Texas Family over for Christmas Eve festivities. We are up to 9 kids now and 10 adults. It was a full house, and a bit on the crazy side! The best part was that it actually snowed! We couldn't believe it, Texas...on Christmas Eve! It was a lot of fun! Here are Mikaiya and Rylie out in the snow:

And the snow coming down in the backyard:

Apparently it was even a little cold out for the local wildlife. On top of all the people in the house, we had a nice visit from a bird at one point in the night! Just imagine 10 adults trying to chase down a bird while 9 children watch in awe. It was very amusing and one of the more memorable events of the evening!!
We woke up Christmas morning to find that Santa had arrived...and boy was he good to the girls this year! Here they are in their jammies in front of the tree before we opened presents:
And when we looked outside on Christmas morning, we were shocked to see that the snow had actually stuck around for Christmas day! We got a beautiful, white Christmas! It's amazing how you tend to take something like that for granted when it's no longer a given that it snows on Christmas!

We hope that this holiday season was as good to you and your family as it was to ours! I have really tried to relish in the holidays with the kids now, knowing that this time will be gone before we even know it! We had so much fun with the girls, and watching their eyes light up with each gift that the received and gave! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Here are the rest of our Christmas pics:

1 comment:

Teresa and Kory said...

I have 1 question for you guys - where in the world are you going to put all that stuff? LOL! Looks like you guys had a fantastic Christmas. Emme wants to come down and play with all your new toys!