Saturday, January 10, 2009

Braenna is 7 Months Old

Sorry I'm a little late on this post. It has been a long week here. Braenna turned 7 months on Wednesday. She's had kind of a rough month this last month. She was diagnosed with RSV the week before Christmas. We got her through that relatively quickly, but it was followed by a cold the week of Christmas. As soon as that went away for a few days, she got another really bad cold which we have been fighting this week. She has not been able to breath and not very interested in eating. She's coughing like crazy. Poor baby! We feel so bad for her, but they don't give anything to infants anymore for colds, so we just have to suffer through it.
She did have some fun this last month too. She really enjoyed Christmas time and all the lights, presents and colors. She's also learning to sit and getting stronger and stronger by the day. She's also eating both fruits and veggies now and has been enjoying the new tastes and textures. So far she's really liked everything she's eaten (Surprise, surprise...our kid likes to eat!) She has a great happy little personality (when she's not sick!) and is just a joy to be around.

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