Sunday, October 12, 2008

4 Months Already!

It's hard to believe, but our little baby is now 4 months old! She is getting to be such a big girl! She had her 4 month check up on Friday and she is officially meeting ALL of the milestones that a 4 month old should...which is a big surprise since she was a month early and is technically only 3 months old. She is usually a happy smily baby. She loves to "stand" and look around and still loves to "chat" with anyone who is willing. She's pushing up on her elbows from her tummy and has even rolled from her tummy to back a couple of times now. She is up to 13 lbs 15 oz and 24.5 inches long...both just under average for her age. She's quickly catching up! Here are a couple of pics from her official 4 month birthday:

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