Mikaiya has been practicing hard at riding her bike. We had to upgrade sooner than planned due to the warm weather, so she got an early birthday present! She's so tall that her knees were almost hitting the handlebars on her old bike. The new one looks big, but she is handling it well and quite the pro on 2 wheels now!It was even warm enough to have a picnic one Sunday...in shorts and t-shirts...in WI...in MARCH! Hard to believe! The girls had a blast though!
This is one of my favorites. If I can ever get some photo editing software on my computer again, I will have to turn it black and white and frame it! They are too sweet eating their lunch together and looking out on the pond.
Jeff also got a new bike this spring and he is having a good time riding! A friend at work let us have their trailer bike, which attaches to his bike, so that Braenna can come along on bike rides too! And she LOVES it back there!!
We had a really nice month! In addition to all of this outside time, Jeff and I got to get away on a little visit to Milwaukee. We stayed downtown right next to Lake Michigan, hung out at the casino and toured the city. We had a really nice time! Thanks to Grammy for taking on the munchkins for us!
Here is the link to the rest of the pics from the month: http://photos2.walmart.com/walmart/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=7361235002/a=3342801_3342801/otsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=walmart/